What Would It Take?

What would it take for someone to commit this hijacking? 💣 What would make someone wake up, get ready and actually board a plane and threaten dozens of people with a bomb, for cold cash? How many people that you know personally would really do what D. B. Cooper did? 💼 Would you do it yourself? You know you've always wanted to build a briefcase bomb, skyjack a jet, kidnap over 40 people, extort a sackful of cash, and jump from 10,000 feet into a dark rainy night... haven't you...? Haven't you? If your answer was Yes, then the FBI would like a word. Artist's depiction of D. B. Cooper 🪂 Plenty of other copycat skyjackers did soon follow Cooper's lead. Sadly, most of them were returned combat veterans suffering from untreated PTSD. In many cases they were clearly not in their right mind while committing their crimes. All were quickly captured. Cooper looks like the rare unicorn among this herd of imitators: rather a comparitively cool, calm and original criminal,...